Friday, 31 January 2020

Session 3 - The Search for Survivors!

Extract from the Collected Letters of Mallius Vane

...we still had to get the townspeople to safety and find any other survivors...and Kining...

After a quick discussion, it was decided that Ban, Abraxas and Xin would guard the bridge while Folgrun, Kana and myself would skirt around the village looking for survivors and, in particular, Kining. Aubrin, meanwhile, would take the frightened townsfolk we had already gathered over the bridge and, we hoped, into the safety of Fangwood. All except one, an acquaintance of Folgrun...a striking woman called Feya and her fox...who was to accompany us.

We bid our companions farewell and, sticking to the bushes and trees on the outskirts of the village, we made our way to the temple. We approached from the rear and immediately heard banging and crashing from inside. Looting hobgoblins. Folgrun, angered by the thought of hobgoblins defiling the temple, wanted to cleanse the place of their polluting presence but we managed to convince him to see if there was anyone in the shack next to the temple first, belonging to Noelen, the caretaker.

Inside we found Rhyna, Noelen's assistant, and eight others hiding. I admit I have never warmed to Rhyna...all false smiles and forced gaiety...but I was impressed that, even under the present circumstances, she retained her optimism, giving courage to the terrified townspeople with her. She would not, however, flee to the bridge as we asked but instead demanded...all smiles...that we find her master, Noelen, who had gone to the temple as soon as the attack started. Folgrun jumped at the chance.

And so Folgrun kicked in the back door. I have never been one for temples, preferring the old ways...the stone altars and standing stones of the Green Faith. Nevertheless, I was shocked at what they had done to the temple. The statues had been hacked to pieces, the regalia and symbols of the various faiths broken and defiled. And a dozen townspeople lay dead, their bodies butchered and their life's blood spattered all over the walls. Standing amidst this scene were two of them an enormous beast of creature. They didn't look too pleased to see us.

I don't really know Folgrun well, but he has always struck me as calm and steady...unruffled by the many small dramas of the town to which he ministers. Not today. With a great cry, incandescent with rage, he leapt into the temple determined to make the hobgoblins pay for what they had done. He was followed by Kana, rapier flashing in the candlelight.

Standing behind them with my longbow, I noticed Feya's eyes suddenly glow with an eerie white light and she began to laugh...a hideous cackle that sounded so out of place coming from such a striking young woman...but it gave the hobgoblins pause for thought. Moments later she let forth an ear-piercing scream that almost had me running for the woods...the gods know what it did to the hobgoblins.

Despite the fearsome Feya and my determined companions, the battle was hard-fought. As we had already found, the hobgoblins were skilled warriors and the big one was truly a monster. While Kana and Folgrun fought the hobgoblin nearest the door, a particularly vicious-looking bastard, I shot arrow after arrow into the big fella, forcing him back and eventually felling him. Unfortunately, this was not before another one of those big wolves joined the fight.

Feya had created a thick mist to confuse the wolf but it also hid everyone from view so I drew my sword and dived in, almost tripping over Folgrun who now lay wounded on the temple floor. At the same time, I saw Kana fall to the first hobgoblin's sword. Things were suddenly looking rather bleak.

It was then that I heard the battle cries of Rhyna and the townspeople as they piled into the temple...just as the mist began to disperse. Daggers and shortswords drawn, they quickly dispatched the first hobgoblin...already flagging because of the many wounds Kana and Folgrun had dealt him and not a little surprised by the sudden appearance of so me the chance to finish off the wolf. We had come through...again....just.

While Rhyna tended to Kana and Folgrun, Feya and myself quickly searched the temple but Noelen was nowhere to be seen. With Folgrun and Kana back on their feet and no sign of Noelen, we finally managed to convince Rhyna that she needed to get the townspeople to the safety of Fangwood. We, meanwhile, would continue to skirt around the village until we reached the Phaendar Trading Company, home to Folgrun and Kining.

As soon as we saw the place, we knew we didn't have much time as the roof was smoking and smouldering. Folgrun, obviously concerned about Kining, tried the back door but it was closed and the windows were shuttered...we could also see enough to realise that they were barricaded from within.

While the rest of us hung behind at the back of the building, Kana scouted out the front. Moments after she disappeared from view around the corner of the building, she reappeared running as fast as she could, closely followed by two hobgoblins. As soon as she had brought them around the corner, she stopped in her tracks, whirling around to attack them with her rapier.

Never have I seen such a lightning fast attack. In a flurry of lunges, parries and ripostes she kept the two hobgoblins fully occupied giving Folgrun time to join her and myself time to take a position with my bow. By this time another hobgoblin had rounded the corner of the building. But in an incredible display of swordsmanship, Kana dispatched the first two hobgoblins before they had much of chance to catch their breath before finishing off the third. Clearly Kana had got the measure of the hobgoblins!

With no time to waste, we rushed to the front of the building where we saw that the flames were really starting to take hold of the roof. Folgrun called out to Kining and was relieved to hear she was inside with some other survivors but she warned that they were almost overcome with the smoke. Folgrun hoisted me and Kana up to the roof where we quickly made a hole and pulled the survivors out while Folgrun used his powers to create water above us, keeping the flames and the smoke at bay. In no time at all, Kining and four other townspeople were safely outside.

At Folgrun's behest, Kana and I entered the building and, breaking down the barricade, smashed open one of the back windows to let Folgrun enter. He quickly directed us to take a variety of supplies before opening a hidden trapdoor and tossing me a buckler with a wink.

Back outside Folgrun told Kining we had to destroy the bridge to give the survivors time to escape into Fangwood. Asking her if she knew how to do it, she nodded. “If yer pulling ma leg, I'll toss ye in the river!” he said, with a twinkle in his eye. She scowled and thumped him on the arm...I think I may have seen the hint of a smile...a first from Kining. Then again...perhaps not. We headed back to the relative safety of the bushes and trees behind the building.

There is one more place that may have survivors...Oreld's Shop...

For a slightly easier read, a PDF copy of this write-up on Google Drive here.

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